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Love, ladies, and siyappaa

 Love, ladies, and siyappaa - Jiganshu Sharma

Genre: Contemporary fiction
Love, ladies, and siyappaa are some short stories about common problems of women in our society. It has six short stories.
1. It's "Two" Much
2. No Means No
3. Absolute Life
4. F*cked Up while F*cking Up
5. One Night Stand
6. Freedom to Desire
And it also has articles by some ladies on their experience about love and siyappaas. Each story starts with a poem that reflects the story.
Women in our society face many common problems. Some are suffering, some are fighting and struggling with some common problems of our society. But still, they're living their life silently. It's a worldwide problem for all women. Most of the time people blame women for everything. Instead, women are the ones who contribute the most to our society. They always try hard to keep their family happy and safe no matter what they go through. But still, society doesn't treat women the same as men.
My thoughts: I like this book. The book reflects some common problems of women in our society. Women's problems are something that we don't wanna talk about, right?
Why do we have to think like this?
Most of the time we think it's taboo, which is NOT!
So that's why we need to change our mentality first. Then we can change our society.
Love, ladies, and siyappaa  Love, ladies, and siyappaa Reviewed by Story Teller Pros on October 08, 2021 Rating: 5

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