I have tea or coffee, I have rainy weather, I have a bunch of books unread, I have candles to lighten my pages, I have a nice day ahead.

After a long busy working day, you can calm and enthrall yourself by reading. If you're a reader then you'll find spare time while your working at day. When I was in college, I used to carry my harry potter book in my bag and I read them in tiffin time. Or while the class was ongoing, I used to read the bookkeeping it under the notebook. Because I couldn't read at home calmly. I had a lot of homework to do and the homework take an eternity of time to be finished. My tutor used to give that homework. When I'm on the bus, I try to read. When I'm in the hospital with mom or grandma, I use the time for reading. Because I and my mom or dad or grandma had to wait for their serial so long. And I read that time under the cool breezes of AC lol.

Although I have loads of books unread, I still can't stop myself from buying more. Alas! My parents don't scold me for buying more books when I've loads of unread. I think they should scold me now or else I'm gonna order now

. However, last two weeks, I couldn't read properly. There are many reasons those kept me from books for 1 week. One of these particular reason is my sick cat. I'm crying the whole day and night because of him. He is my most favorite Catto. But now, he is on death bed approximately. I'm asking Allah not to take him because I won't be able to bear the pain. I'm already in distressingly resented. And I can't set my mind on reading. May Allah save him and make him healthy again. Or else, I wouldn't be going to read again. I can't lose my reading buddy. Never.

My mind is vacant to write any distinctive things here for you guys. You can guess the reason. Pray for me that I'd be able to save my reading buddy Catto.
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